How to Start your Fitness Routine in 2023

After a much needed break and reset, we all feel the need to get back on track with our fitness routines in 2023. But how do you start?

We have some helpful tips to get you going, and keep you going, so that 2023 can be your healthiest, fittest year yet!

1. Set yourself clear & realistic goals

Ask yourself “what do I want to achieve this year?” and “how is it going to make me feel when I achieve this goal?”. Physically writing down your goals will give you a clearer picture of exactly what you want to achieve. Visualizing your goal and attaching emotions to it will not only motivate you, but also get you excited about achieving them.

2. Mark a start date in your calendar

    Commit to a start date, plan out your day and set a specific time for your first workout of the year. Furthermore, plan out which days and times in your week you can commit to and plug those in the diary too. Make sure you are being realistic with the amount of days as well as time you can commit to. For beginners, we would recommend 2-3 days per week to start with. If you already have some fitness experience, 4-5 sessions could be your goal. Remember, you can always change or rearrange your sessions as time goes by. Life happens and not every week will be perfect, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you need to reschedule your workouts.

    3. Lay out your exercise fits the night before

      As the saying goes - “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” Whether you’re a morning or evening workout gal, we can confirm that laying out your clothes the night before your workout helps heaps! You’re committing to your workout and getting mentally prepared for it, which is a huge step in the right direction! We would also highly recommend investing in activewear that makes you feel good about yourself. There is nothing more motivating than looking and feeling cute in a new fit.

      4. Sign up to a fitness App

        This is crucial, especially if you’re new to exercising. Having a fitness professional guide you through your workouts is so important to make sure you’re on the right track. We recommend signing up to a 4-8 week progressive program to start your fitness journey. This will help you stay motivated, keep you consistent, as well as avoid injuries and burn-outs. The LEAN Transformation Method is the perfect way to start your fitness routine. The follow-along Pilates, Strength & HIIT workouts are part of a progressive 8 program. If you’re looking to get results, stay consistent and have fun whilst exercising - this is the 8 week program you’ve been looking for!

        5. Talk about fitness with the people around you

          The more you talk about your goals and the feelings you have around your goals - the more likely you are to start achieving them. You may be feeling nervous to start your fitness routine in 2023, but I assure you that you’re not alone. Join an online community where you can share your feelings with like-minded women who understand what you’re going through. Ask a friend if they’d like to join you in your workouts. More than likely - they’re also looking for a friend to start their fitness journey. When signing up to the LEAN App, you can join thousands of women in our Facebook community who will keep you motivated!

          6. Just do it

            Your first training session will be the most difficult, but just imagine when it’s done… You’ll be feeling on top of the world for taking the first step. Put your cute workout fit on, grab a pre-workout and just press play!

            You are one step closer to achieving your goals in 2023 and we are already so proud of you for taking control of your health & fitness, putting yourself first and starting your fitness routine in 2023! You’ve got this!


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